Saturday, December 17, 2011

Art Class and Science Projects

Is it really the week before Christmas?  I can't believe it!  I am ready for the Holidays though, not because I have completed my shopping list. Far from it! (yep that means I haven't even started!) I am just ready to visit and catch up with family!

The kids worked on science projects this week.  We have been studying protists and so I gave the kids an assignment to make a protist for me.  I let them each choose how they wanted to make it.  The boy, who likes to draw, pulled out the construction paper and poster board and got to work drawing and cutting out a didinium eating its dinner.  The girl pulled out some styrofoam balls and colored clay and began building a podophrya.  I love how you can see their personalities and learning styles come out even in the smallest thing like a science project.  Both projects are looking great so far. 

We also did something new.  The kids went to an art class on Wednesday.  It is the first time it has worked out in our schedule for them to go.  So off we went to the library to meet the art lady.  The kids had fun and made some cute pictures.  they enjoyed it and want to go back next week.  We will see if we can fit it in before we head off out of town for the Holidays. (I hope we can so we can decided if it is something we want to add as a regular to the schedule starting in January.)

Speaking of is time for a Holiday break right?  I think we are all ready for a break.  I really want to have some "do nothing" days.  Of course, I don't think that we will have any of those until we get home from Holiday travels.  But that is okay, I can wait because just stepping back and doing some fun Holiday things like decorating cookies and a gingerbread house will make for a relaxing break too.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

The week with the Recital

It was a great week here in the Nicholson house!  Lots of learning and some fun mixed in too! 

We had:  Two point paragraphs, and decimals too, don't forget the adverbs (how?, when?, where?), or adjectives (what kind? which one? how many?) definitely don't leave out the articles adjectives because they have the cutest jingle!  We are the articles adjectives, teeny, tiny adjectives A, AN, THE, A, AN, THE!  (sorry, it gets stuck in my head!)

We also got to play with a microscope this week!  A neighbor has one and we were able to borrow it.  We played with it for about 1.5 hours.  (I know you don't really "play" with a microscope.  Saying "play" just makes it sound fun and gets the kids attention.)

We started something new this week.  We are incorporating copywork into our daily work.  I thought that the kids would really grumble and moan about it (which is why we are just now starting instead of when I first read about it a few months back), but they are doing great with it.  They have even looked through some books to pick something they want to copy!

We had something big happen this week.  We had our first piano recital!  I am so proud of my kids!  They did great!  They were so nervous, but they did it.  After practicing their songs all day long on Tuesday we headed to the recital where they continued to practice on the big beautiful grand piano.  Nothing like seeing your kids sitting at a 150 year old piano that has real ivory keys and actually playing a song!

I also set up the Jesus Tree, and we have begun opening presents to hang on it.  I love that the kids enjoy doing it and they remind me that we need open something under it each night.  I love having a tradition to do every year that is worth so much more than making lists and opening presents.   

I am off to catch up on some of my other favorite blogs like Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and the Hip Homeschool Moms.  I so love being able to see what other families are doing.  I always learn some great tips!

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Field Trip, Thanksgiving

What is the world is wrong with my neck? Oh yeah, I know!  It is the whiplash I have from how fast time is passing by.  Crazy to think that Christmas is just few short weeks away. 

Things are going well for us.  We seemed to have found a groove and everything is running pretty smoothly. 
If only it would stay that way! 

It probably wont though because these people I live with keep wearing different clothes when I tell them to just wear the same thing they wore yesterday.  Hey it's already dirty right?  OK, OK!  I was just trying to cut down on the piles of laundry! 

After a couple of weeks of having a husband out of town for work, we decided to mix it up and go with him the week before Thanksgiving! Definitely one of the perks of homeschooling!  It was a great trip!  I was pleased with how well the kids did with getting school work done.

It was cold and rainy, so I had to rethink my field trip plans for the trip.  We ended up going to the American Printing House for The Bind.  They have a neat little museum and they will give you a tour of the facility.  IT WAS AWESOME!  Not only were able to see the machines they use to make braille books but we learned some of the history behind the education of the blind.  It was a great experience.  I think everyone should go and check it out!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  My parents came up from FL and we had a blast.  I really enjoyed have a break from school! (Did I say that out loud!)  I am looking forward to having a break for Christmas too! 

What?  Did I say Christmas? 
Yep!  I think I did! 

Find something to hang on to and hold on tight!  This is life baby!  And...

IT IS GREAT!       (make sure to keep some Thera-Gesic around for your neck though!)
