Saturday, September 24, 2011

Busy busy bees

Holy frijoles, Batman!  It is the weekend again already!  How did that happen?  Isn't there supposed to be some time in between the weekends?  What happened to Monday, Tues, and those other days? 

Oh wait...

I know what happened!

They flew by in a whirl of Math, English, and PE with piano lessons thrown in there. 

So here I sit trying to remember what we did.  It was some good stuff!  I would tell you if only I hadn't left my brain back on Tuesday!  I think it is still trying to catch up with the rest of me.

Seriously though, I thought that homeschooling would make our family less busy.  Boy was I wrong!  We are busy busy bees!  My poor house is the one who is paying the price! 

Can you say messy?  No, really.  I mean MESSY!!!

I figure that I will get to it eventually.  Right now I am busy learning things like when to use the words "done" and "finished" correctly in a sentence.  "Turkeys are done, children are finished."  hahaha  I definitely do not remember that from school.  I guess it is never to late to learn proper grammar.  I will use it, but it probably still will not sound correct when it comes out in my very southern twang!!

Ok on to the children, who are "finished" not "done" with their work for the week.  (ok ok I will stop now I just had to show you that I did learn something this week!)  It was a good week.  We had a big reading week in our house!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE those!  We had two days where the kids asked me if we could take a break and just read for a little bit.  Umm...abso stinkin lutely!!  (yea yea so that is not correct english, but Oh well!  It is exciting to see my kiddos get into the books they are reading. (-: )

#1 son began a new book for reading this week.  It was suggested to me by a friend who sells Usbourne books.  It is called Conspiracy 365.  ( I would tell you the author, but the book is upstairs and I am feeling that going up the stairs will require too much energy at this moment)  I will tell you that my little guy enjoyed the book!  He is already finished with it and ready for the next one in the series.  That is what I call AWESOME!!!!

#1 daughter is enjoying reading her Peter Pan book.  That makes for one happy mama!!  She is one who gets bored after a chapter or two.  She has made it to chapter 8.  YAY!!!!  We might actually get this one completely finished!

Piano lessons started again this week.  #1 daughter is taking lessons this time as well.  They had a blast and have been practicing everyday with no complaints. (yet)  # 1 son is trying to learn to play a very easy version Bach's Toccata and Fugue.  He fell in love with the song when we learned about Bach from our composer book and asked if I could find it and print it for him to learn.  So....after a quick google search I found an easy piano version and printed it for him and he has been playing around with it everyday.  Pretty good, I think, for a guy with only about 3 months of lessons under his belt.  (although, I am sure he is not playing with the right fingers and yada yada yada...BUT...he is having a blast and has gotten pretty good with the first line of the piece.)

So as you can see our week was a good one!!!  I am happy that it is Saturday, though!  Maybe I can get to work on this messy house...or maybe I can get another cup of coffee and watch the shows on the DVR instead.  Yeah, that sounds like a better plan to me!!!

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca

PS  Ok I feel bad for not knowing the author of the book so I googled it and here is a link to the series:         Ok now that I have relieved some of my guilt about being lazy I am going to see what is on the DVR and to read some of my favorite blogs.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on my 13th-year of homeschooling and I relearn grammar every single year!
