Monday, November 14, 2011

Domestic Goddess

I am a Domestic Goddess
By: April Nicholson

I am a Domestic Goddess!
My home is never in a mess
In perfect order, everything
Into your day, sunshine I bring
A smile forever on my face
Frustration there's not a trace.

No crumbs on my kitchen table,
My pantry shelves all have labels.
The kitchen floor is spic and span,
There's no dust on the ceiling fan.

I clean the baseboards every week,
The bathroom mirrors have no streaks.
I vacuum the floors everyday,
Dust on the blinds is wiped away.

Storm Door hand prints can not be found
No outside toys left on the ground.
My puppy always goes outside,
There are no carpet stains to hide.

No laundry piled up on the floor,
Clothes are neat in dresser drawers.
Clean bedrooms you will always find,
Kids do their chores and always mind.

A menu plan I have in hand
While in the grocery line I stand.
I make nutritious tasty meals
All while wearing pearls and heels.

Children never jump on the couch
I always smile and never grouch!
Big bad coughs and runny noses?
By the bed I will put roses.

I am a Domestic Goddess!
My house is never in a mess
In perfect order, everything.
Into your day sunshine I bring.
A smile forever on my face
Frustration there is not a trace...Well
that's because I just woke up!
It was just a dream! CRAP what bad luck!

Have a great day everyone. I hope my ramblings brought a little smile to your day.


Hip Homeschool Hop Button

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hi Ho Hi Ho it's Geocaching We Go...

One of our caches!

We started our week with a little geocaching adventure.  If you have not heard of geocaching just go to  It is like a treasure hunt game.  Last Sunday morning we decided to give it a try.  It was a blast!!  We found three caches within a few miles of our house.  We also found some hiking and mountain bike trails that we never even knew where there.   

On Monday, I decided to take the kids and let them have a try at finding a cache.  There is one conveniently located at the park right next to the library. (one of our favorite parks)  The location was great and it was an easy find for kids.  They enjoyed it and so off we went to find another.  -fun family time and learning to read a map at the same time!  Does it get better than fun plus learning? 

This week we also invited some friends over to make Thanksgiving cards.  There is a lady in our area who collects cards for Meal on Wheels and they hand them out with the Thanksgiving meal.  Out came the construction paper and markers and stickers. Oh and let's not forget the warm from the oven cookies and juice boxes that made the card making even more fun!  now don't go thinking that I was some great domestic host who made homemade cookies because we had company coming over.  I am NOT that good a host.  They were pull apart Toll House!  hahaha

We also had a play date with new friends this week.  It is nice to sit and chat with another homeschooling mom about what works and what doesn't for their family. 

Next week will be a new homeschooling adventure for us.  We are taking our school on the road for the first time ever.  I am excited!

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The week with Halloween

So glad for the weekend to be here. 

I am going to veg out in front of the TV for a little bit today.  Did everyone hear that!  I am going to watch TV.  DO NOT BOTHER ME!!!   Bahahaha

We started our week with an off day.  No, don't go thinking that we like Halloween that much.  It just happened to work out that the Dad was off of work on Monday and we wanted to spend time with him before he went out of town for the week.  Anyway, back to Halloween...

We hosted our neighborhood's Chili Cook Off this year.  It was a driveway full of people and loads of fun!  Especially the part where my girl and her best buddy put on a show/play for the whole neighborhood.  They had been practicing- some scripts they typed up -for about 2 months.  I was not sure they would go through with it, but they did!  It takes guts to get up in front of anyone and speak, but to do it when you are 7 and 8 year old girls is just about the coolest thing I have seen in a long time!  I am one proud mama!!!

Due to a doctors appointment we had to change our schedule around a little this week.  It made for two super busy days instead of just one.  But even with that we were able to get some good "work" time in.  The kids spent a good bit of time this week on Math Whizz.  Still seems to be a fun place for them to play and learn. 

I also took it "back to old school that's so cool..." (oops sorry it might be a little early for singing) and brought out the School House Rock Multiplication DVD.  We have been watching it during breakfast time! 

We also read about protists in Science.  I have a friend who has a microscope that we are going to borrow and use next week.  That will be really neat.

The kiddos have also been playing a new game I downloaded onto the iPad.  Well, two new games actually!  One is Presidents vs Aliens and the other is Stack The States.  The iPad has gone with us everywhere this week so they could play these games.  It has been fun listening to them talking about the Presidents.  During one game session they apparently missed the question and my girl said "oh no AHH it was the one with the weird hair!"  I guess we just can't appreciate the fashion of other times.  hahahahaha

It was raining during piano this week so I drove the kids around to the piano lady's house (instead of letting them walk through the little patch of woods behind our house).  While I was sitting in the car waiting on them I was able to catch up on a favorite blog of mine .  This week she shared a post about how important our words are.  A good post if you have a couple of minutes to read it. 

Off to go and refresh my coffee and kick some kid shows off my TV!  (I guess that will give me mean mom title for today!  But too bad so sad!)  :-)

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca