Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dance Party Week

We partied this week!  No really, we partied!  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Halloween party after party every afternoon!

That is how it goes when you have a daughter who loves to dance and takes 6 classes!  Yeah, do the math on that! 

That makes 6 parties, and 4 afternoons of dressing up in a costume! 

We did some serious partying!!  It was fun!! 

One more Halloween party to go this year.  It's the neighborhood Chili Cook Off!  We are hosting it in our driveway this year.  It is always tons of fun.

Piano is going great!  #1 son said that this week's lesson was the best one.  Totally Awesome is what he said.  He actually wrote his own little song this week. :-)

The piano teacher is having a Christmas Concert and the kids get to play a song.  They are excited about it.  They have been playing several different Christmas songs to find ones that they like.  I love Christmas songs so to already have them playing in the house is great. 

Our month of math is coming to an end, but it has been great.  I like the progress that has been made.  I think we are all well on our way to enjoying math more and more.  The Math Whizz online tutor website has been great.  I think we will keep up with it for a little while longer. 

The leaves here in East TN are beautiful.  We are going to ride into the mountains today to see them.  Here is a picture of the pretty tree in my yard.

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Logic Puzzles and The Metric System


Fuzzy warm pjs...check

Fuzzy dog acting crazy...check

It must be Saturday morning!  AWESOME!!!

Still working on Math Math Math and more Math in our house.  The kids have not run away screaming yet...not about the math anyway!  Bahahaha! 

This week we worked on 2 step word problems.  Yep word problems!  Again!!  YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!  Oh no wait, I am not supposed to say that out loud!   So how about this instead:  (insert sarcasm here) word problems are awesome!  they are cool real life stuff!  word problems are fun!  blah blah blah

Anyway...after we finished the 2 step problems we moved on to Logic Puzzles.  Now those are actually a little fun.  Only a little!  What has made them fun has been listening to my girl talk through her puzzles.  She is much more of a thinker than I have given her credit for.  Plus, I learned she knows random stuff about dinosaurs.  I told her "I didn't know that you liked dinosaurs!"  She replied (very dramatically with a rolling of the eyes included) "I DO NOT LIKE DINOSAURS!  A lady came to school one day in first grade and talked all about them and that is how I know about them."  So I just told her it is cool that she remembers stuff from all the way back in 1st grade and I think, by telling her she was cool, I redeemed myself from the terrible error of thinking that she liked dinosaurs. 

The metric system was also on the agenda for this week.  It was actually quite fun.  I found a fun rap song on the page.  We have listened and danced and just acted plain silly with the song.  And that was tons of laughs!  We also labeled pieces of paper and laid them on the floor cake walk style and then worked to convert meters to kilometers, millimeters to centimeters and centimeters to meters.  Hopefully, some of it will stick.  Especially since I am walking around with "meters liters and grams, now you don't have to cram for your exam on the metric system" playing over and over and over again in my head.

I also discovered Rock 'N Learn Science videos this week.  Love them!  We watched and learned about Physical Science this week.  Very neat resource to have for review.

All in all a great week!

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Yogurt and a Field Trip

So, I started this thing a few weeks ago with the kids.  It's a marble jar.  Each time the kids do something nice for each other, or do a chore without being told or use good manners without being reminded they get to put a marble in the jar.  We have also let them put marbles in for good listening skills, following directions and moving up ( good day, great day, outstanding day) instead of down (loose a privilege, grounded, be cooked up in a stew for dinner, get stuck in the garbage can - I am exaggerating here! ha) on the behavior chart. 

Anyway, they reached the goal of filling the jar to the top!  YAY!!!  So Monday we went and had a treat of frozen yogurt.  Now that is a good way to start out a school week!

This week we spent a lot of time on word problems.  Dreaded word problems.  Awful word problem. Why do we have to do this word problems...or just whatever you like to call them word problems.  It was actually not that bad(do not tell my sister Lynne I said that!  She would say "I told you so!"  She helped me with many math problems growing up.).   I had the kids make banners of the "clue words" you find in word problems that help you know what operation you need to do to solve the problem.  Then, we put the banners on the wall so they have a quick reference. 

On Friday, after seeing a friend post some beautiful pictures of the mountains, I decided we needed a field trip.  So I packed up a picnic and off to Cades Cove we went.  It is beautiful right now!  We had a lot of fun.  The kids really seemed to enjoy it.  They loved walking through the old homes and we went through one of the old churches.  It was only us in the church, and my boy walked up to the pulpit and said, "Today, we will be talking about Isaiah", then he read a scripture from the bible that was laying there.  A couple came in the door and said "look we have a preacher here today!" haha  It was cute! 

Another great week in the books! 

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Math Math Math and Sparkling Lemonade

HOW COW!!!!!  It is so quiet at my house!

It must be Saturday morning.  Glorious Saturday morning, when everyone else in the house is still sleeping.  Well everyone with the exception of the dog and me.  It is an amazing time really.  Who would have thought that I would love a quiet morning this much!  I usually like to get up and get moving and get on with the day.  But not on Saturdays!  Not anymore.  I truly look forward to the only slow morning of my week.  It is nice to come downstairs and not have think about getting kids started on their school work for the day, or what are we having for breakfast, or do I have a plan for supper. 

This is ME time.  Glorious ME time

Ok so maybe I should say me and the dog time!  He keeps jumping up on the couch beside me as if to say: "Don't forget me!  I'm here too!  Yeah Yeah me!  It's still me, down here with ya lady!"  hahaha

We have had an awesome week!  We even had the kids make it to OUTSTANDING DAY on their school behavior chart on Wednesday.  I just have to say, That was outstanding!!!

We are focusing on Math for the next month or so to make sure we have a good foundation of things like fractions and decimals and word problems.  Dreaded, word problems!  I think it will be good for both of my kiddos who are just average math students.  A good foundation makes it so much easier to understand higher math and to think through all of the steps that some higher math requires.

You got your messy math, m&m math, mental math, math on the computer, and math facts.  Of course, it is Fall so let's not forget candy corn math.  If only those candy corn fit together so you could make a little pie with them for fractions.  The kids are both using the Math Whizz website and they are enjoying it.  I am glad they enjoy it because that makes it easier to do so much Math everyday when they think it is fun.

All in all it is working well so far.  No one has run from the table screaming about how they hate math...

Ok so maybe, in my head, I pictured myself running from the table screaming about how I hate math, but I didn't actually do it and that is what counts.  Right? 

I have come to the conclusion this week that being irritable and frustrated can become a habit.  It can become the easiest place to go to when things are busy and time is flying and things do not get done quite like the list says they should. (stinking list!) I am making a conscious choice to NOT go there.  (Ok it has only been a few day, but so far so good!)  I don't want to feel frustrated everyday about things that did not get done.  We are accomplishing so much everyday and that is what I need to be focusing on.  Didn't someone say: "Life happens while you are busy doing other things"?

Speaking of other things:  let's just talk about Sonic's Sparkling Lemonade.  Uh Yeah YUM!!!  Love that stuff!  This would be thanks to my SIL Julie who just had to stop and get a drink at Sonic when we were together one day last summer.  That was my first taste of Sparkling Lemonade and now I am hooked on the stuff.  Especially since I pass the Sonic almost everyday.  Darn you Sonic!!!    Here is the kicker, apparently Sparkling Lemonade is just Sprite with Lemon in it.  Who would da thunk it!  Something so yummy could be so easy with only two ingredients. 

Well, so yummy until you decide that if you are going to make it at home you should save a few calories.

Yeah that's right I wanted to save a few calories!  So I chose some Sprite Zero to make it with.  WRONG CHOICE!!  My rationale was that Pepsi Zero taste pretty good, surely Sprite Zero will too.  NOPE!  YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!!  DO NOT TRY IT!!!  It is awful!!!!  Go ahead and walk an extra 20 mins and go for the good stuff! 

Truthfully it tasted so bad that I am scared to try it again, even though I have real Sprite now.  hahahaha

It is getting later in the morning and I need to go and read email and some of my favorite websites( one being before other people start coming down the stairs making noise and ruining the quiet time.


Monday, October 3, 2011

last week in a nutshell

Wow, I can not believe that it is Monday already.  Time to start all over again!  NOOOOOOO!!  Can't I just go back to bed.  Oh well, at least I have already had some coffee.  :-)

Last week, we spent a lot of time on Math.  We actually began our week with MESSY MATH MONDAY.  We practiced fractions with some candy corn,  some biscuit dough and then some shaving cream.  Yes, it was messy!  It was very fun too.  We have decided to give MathWhizz online a try to supplement our math.  It has games and an assessment, so it supposedly tailors the lessons to your child and where they need extra practice.  I like the idea of them getting to practice on things they are having trouble with. 

The kids are still enjoying their PE class, which is great. 

We practiced some cursive writing.  #1 son already knows how, but #1 daughter is just learning.  As far as writing goes we also wrote some fun sentences about old shoes and where they may have gone and what they might say if they could talk.  Cute stuff.  I love seeing the kids use their imagination!

A couple of examples of what a shoe might say to the person wearing it:
Do you watch where you walk? You got me muddy!   and   Do you bathe?

Another week in the books and new one already beginning.  Man, time sure flies right by!

Bienvenido a Mi vida loca